Monday, April 12, 2010

back to the "real world"

Well....My spring break in California was AMAZING!!!! I already miss my family, sunshine (yes-its raining in Provo today), relaxation, going to bed late, sleeping in late, and just hanging out and laughing with my besties (aka my sisters, mom, dad, b.i.l. and niece :])!!!!!

So last night I was dreading going back to work/school..........let the madness begin again!!!!

But a dear friend reminded me that there are only 7 weeks left until summer

But then I am reminded that I have no idea what I want or need to do next year :) oh joy!

1 comment:

ShaunaJorgenson said...

I know the feeling, having just done it a couple weeks ago! Obviously I didn't have school to go back to, but leaving beautiful, sunny Cali and your amazing family to come back to the real world is disappointing! Are you going to Chip and Kim's next Sunday for din din?