Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I know! I'm a HORRIBLE "Blogger" but when I spend 8 hours in front of the computer for work, I dont want to see one at home :) Hence the reason for my last blog being in DECEMBER!

But I do have some EXCITING news!!!!! I'm going to PUERTO RICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tay and I leave on June 9th :) we are super excited, especially since we have never done anything like this!

Puerto Rico, tan lines, Beautiful beaches, dancing, lazy days, explorations, we come!!!!!!


Stacey said...

very cool! Just you two?

ShaunaJorgenson said...

I'm super jealous! Can't wait to see pictures!

The Skousens said...

So cool that you girls are able to go! Well at least you know that you will have a new blog soon because I will make you blog about the trip!

Taylor said...

yay...we are both awful bloggers together! haha. those pictures made me SOOOO excited to go sister!!! :o)

The Skousens said...

So in looking at your last blog posts, I am sensing a post every 6 months, lol!!!

Natalie said...

You are way behind on your posts. That is inappropriate.